Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Ive decided to aim for excalibur show.5 weeks after border states. So that leaves me 9.5weeks out from that. I plan to fill out the weltetweight limit of that with even better condition. YEEEEPPP!

5weeks out

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Diet updated

Dropping carbs to bring in these glutes!!

Meal1- NLN Lean Pro Matrix
Meal2- 7eggwhites 3whole
Meal3- NLN Lean Pro Matrix w/ 1Tbsn Coconut oil
Meal4- 8oz Tilapia
Meal5- 8oz chicken breast w/1tbsn Flax oil
Meal6- 8ozTilapia
Meal7-8oz chicken w/ 1tbsn flax oil
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