Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Ive decided to aim for excalibur show.5 weeks after border states. So that leaves me 9.5weeks out from that. I plan to fill out the weltetweight limit of that with even better condition. YEEEEPPP!

5weeks out

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Diet updated

Dropping carbs to bring in these glutes!!

Meal1- NLN Lean Pro Matrix
Meal2- 7eggwhites 3whole
Meal3- NLN Lean Pro Matrix w/ 1Tbsn Coconut oil
Meal4- 8oz Tilapia
Meal5- 8oz chicken breast w/1tbsn Flax oil
Meal6- 8ozTilapia
Meal7-8oz chicken w/ 1tbsn flax oil
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23 tuesday shoulders

Dumbell press: 75/80/85/85
Front Raises: 30/30/37.5/37.5
Smith Press:4sets 1plate superset with wide upright rows
wide upright bb rows: 70/80/80
side laterals: 30/32.5/35/35
rear delt flys:90/90/105/105/90
"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." - Paulo Coelho
Meal1-Lean Pro Matrix
Meal2-9eggwhites 2whole 1cup oats 32g PB
Meal3-8oz Tilapia 170g brown rice 20g Dextrose
Meal4-Lean Pro Matrix
Meal5-8oz Chicken
Meal6-8oz Chicken
pic from a few days ago

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday 19 aug Wheels

i lied when i said today is my off day. skipped a cardio session to give my body a little rest. did increase carbs for the today to add to recovery, NOT a refeed but a bump. but gonna go hit the stepmill later tonight. feeling strong and hungry. CANT FRICKIN WAIT TO HIT THE STAGE!!!

Conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all factors are favorable do nothing. - William Feather
Back Squat: 225x15--275x12--315x12--225x15
Leg Press(dont feel like doing math): 16platesx12//18platesx12//20px10//22x10
FST7 Leg extensions
seated leg curls: 90/110/120/130
FST7 Lying Leg Curls
Walking Lunges
Meal1- 9eggwhites 2oz Tuna 185g Brown Rice
Meal2- Lean Pro Matrix, 1/2cup oats, banana, 32g PB
Preworkout: Noxplode 2.0
intra: Gatorade G2
Post: 2Scoops ON whey
Meal3-9oz Tilapia 200g Brown rice
Meal4-9oz Tilapia w/greens
Meal5- 13eggwhites