Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23 tuesday shoulders

Dumbell press: 75/80/85/85
Front Raises: 30/30/37.5/37.5
Smith Press:4sets 1plate superset with wide upright rows
wide upright bb rows: 70/80/80
side laterals: 30/32.5/35/35
rear delt flys:90/90/105/105/90
"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." - Paulo Coelho
Meal1-Lean Pro Matrix
Meal2-9eggwhites 2whole 1cup oats 32g PB
Meal3-8oz Tilapia 170g brown rice 20g Dextrose
Meal4-Lean Pro Matrix
Meal5-8oz Chicken
Meal6-8oz Chicken
pic from a few days ago

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