Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tue August 16 Shoulders n tris

Kept the same shake sequence i weight my carbsand fat in grams and my meat in ounces. i like feeling light before workouts and not totally bloated. Did AM cardio, afternoon workout going back for PM cardio after my next meal. Volume was real high today.

"What you get by achieving your goals is as important as what you become by achieving your goals."
Henry David Thoreau


DB Shoulder Press: 80x10--90x10--90x10--80x10
Behind Neck Smith Press(super set with upright rows): 115x10/135x10/145x10/115x10
widegrip upright rows: 75x12/85x12/95x12/75x12
Front DB Raises: 30x10/32.5x10/35x10/40x5 drop set 32.5x5
1 Arm side laterals:32.5x10/32.5x10/35x10/35x10
FST7 Rear delt fly machine:105/105/105/105/105/105/105

Close grip press downs: 130x10/140x10/150x10/150x15
1arm reverse grip press down: 40x10/40x10/40x10/40x10
db kick backs: 150x10/17.5x10/20x10/22.5x10

Meal1: Lean Pro Matrix
Meal2: Lean Pro Matrix 150g Granny Smith Apple 26g Macadamia Nuts
Meal3: ON Whey 50g
Meal4: 9oz Tilapia 185g
Meal5: 13Eggwhites
Meal6: 8oz Chicken breast w/green veggies

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