Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday july 29 chest arms

Meal1-7oz Beef 150g Sweet Potato
Meal2-7oz Chicken 150g Sweet Potato
Meal3-7oz Beef 200g Sweet Potato
Meal4-8oz Chicken 1cup oats
Meal5-7oz Chicken 1cup oats
Meal6-10Eggwhites whole 1/2cup oats

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wed july 27 back n shoulds

Meal 1-7oz beef 1cup oats
Meal 2-6oz beef
Meal 3-8oz chicken
Meal 4-7oz beef 190g banana
Meal 5-8oz chicken 200g sweet potato
Meal 6-13eggwhites

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Fri 22 july chest

did 45 min of cardio as usual then hit a night workout, heres what i did

Incline DB press: 80x10/90x10/100x10/100x10

Hammer strength incline Press: 180x12/180x12/180x12/180x12

Flat db press:80x10/80x10/80x10/80x10

DB Flys: 35x10/35x10/35x10/35x10

FST7 Cable Cross Overs

Meal 1- 12eggwhites 1oz Almonds 1cup1/2 oats
Meal 2- 8oz Chicken Breast
Meal 3- 8oz Chicken Breast
Meal 4- 8oz Tilapia 1oz Almonds 175gBananas
Meal 5- 8oz Tilapia
Meal 6- 8oz Chicken Breast
Meal 7- 12 Egg whites

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thurs july 21 shoulders arms

Gonna start working bodyparts twice a week and 2body parts a day with the goal being burning more calories a day. split will be 3on 1 off.

Meal 1:7oz beef 8oz sweet potato
Meal 2:7oz beef 2 bananas
Meal 3: 13eggwhites 1 cup oats
Meal 4: 8oz Tilapia
Meal 5: 8oz Tilapia
Meal 6: 8oz chicken breast

Wed 7.20.Legs!

Crazy workout today combined milos sarcevs giant sets and hanny rambods fst7. forgot to track weights but heres what i did.
--pre exhausted legs
GIANT SET: (did this circuit 4 times)
Back squat 12 reps
hack squat 12 reps
leg press 12 reps

(not part of circuit)
smith machine back squats 4sets-12reps

(fst-7)leg extensions

Diet today:
Meal 1- 12egg whites
Meal 2- 8oz chicken breast 1 banana
Meal 3- 8oz Chicken breast 2oz almonds 8oz sweet potato
Meal 4- 8oz Tilapia 1oz almonds
Meal 5- 8oz Tilapia 1banana 1grapfruit
Meal 6- 8oz Orange Roughy broccoli
Meal 7- 12 Eggwhites 2tbsn PB

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday 17 july. lagging bodypart day

supposed to be my off day. i hit quads with shoulders. i wanted to really change it up from my usual routine for both groups. for legs i did all giant sets not going to heavy. for shoulders i did alot of work on machines. tomorrow ill post diet. im switching it up a bit.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sat 16 july chest.

Hit chest today. Junk refeed. New diet approach, Non keto. Off day tomorrow but doubling up on cardio tomorrow
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tue 12,back

Forgot to track weight on working sets
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Off day

Doubled up on cardio sessions today. Non training day. Also changed meal frequency to 3-3.5hrs
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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Chest day w/ diet

Tomorrow is my rest day. will be doing cardio and abs though.
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Suffered a few set backs early in the year that caused me to post pone 2shows. First setback was a health issue. The Second one was a back injury in april that put me out 7weeks which im currently still feeling pain from. Come from a boxing family so its in my blood to get back up. So now here we are! 16weeks out from the Border States Classic.The official start of contest prep kill mode. Could be in better shape, but im a good shape to be 16 weeks out. My goal is to bring top notch conditioning and bring striated glutes to the stage for my first time. Im doing 45min Liss cardio a day dont expect to double up sessions for about 6weeks. My dieting approach is a ketogenic style diet. Good fat sources with no direct carb sources. only indirect carbohydrates from fiberous veggies and nuts. with that....LET THE GAMES BEGIN!