Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wed 7.20.Legs!

Crazy workout today combined milos sarcevs giant sets and hanny rambods fst7. forgot to track weights but heres what i did.
--pre exhausted legs
GIANT SET: (did this circuit 4 times)
Back squat 12 reps
hack squat 12 reps
leg press 12 reps

(not part of circuit)
smith machine back squats 4sets-12reps

(fst-7)leg extensions

Diet today:
Meal 1- 12egg whites
Meal 2- 8oz chicken breast 1 banana
Meal 3- 8oz Chicken breast 2oz almonds 8oz sweet potato
Meal 4- 8oz Tilapia 1oz almonds
Meal 5- 8oz Tilapia 1banana 1grapfruit
Meal 6- 8oz Orange Roughy broccoli
Meal 7- 12 Eggwhites 2tbsn PB

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