Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23 tuesday shoulders

Dumbell press: 75/80/85/85
Front Raises: 30/30/37.5/37.5
Smith Press:4sets 1plate superset with wide upright rows
wide upright bb rows: 70/80/80
side laterals: 30/32.5/35/35
rear delt flys:90/90/105/105/90
"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." - Paulo Coelho
Meal1-Lean Pro Matrix
Meal2-9eggwhites 2whole 1cup oats 32g PB
Meal3-8oz Tilapia 170g brown rice 20g Dextrose
Meal4-Lean Pro Matrix
Meal5-8oz Chicken
Meal6-8oz Chicken
pic from a few days ago

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday 19 aug Wheels

i lied when i said today is my off day. skipped a cardio session to give my body a little rest. did increase carbs for the today to add to recovery, NOT a refeed but a bump. but gonna go hit the stepmill later tonight. feeling strong and hungry. CANT FRICKIN WAIT TO HIT THE STAGE!!!

Conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all factors are favorable do nothing. - William Feather
Back Squat: 225x15--275x12--315x12--225x15
Leg Press(dont feel like doing math): 16platesx12//18platesx12//20px10//22x10
FST7 Leg extensions
seated leg curls: 90/110/120/130
FST7 Lying Leg Curls
Walking Lunges
Meal1- 9eggwhites 2oz Tuna 185g Brown Rice
Meal2- Lean Pro Matrix, 1/2cup oats, banana, 32g PB
Preworkout: Noxplode 2.0
intra: Gatorade G2
Post: 2Scoops ON whey
Meal3-9oz Tilapia 200g Brown rice
Meal4-9oz Tilapia w/greens
Meal5- 13eggwhites

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday Aug 18 Chest

AM cardio. afternoon workout. pm cardio. Tomorrow im just gonna hit legs and not do any cardio sort of an off day.

"Suffering is my milkshake and pain is my Glory!" - Tamer RAZOR

Incline DB Press: 80x10x--100x10--100x9--100x8
Flat Bench BB: 185x10--205x10--225x10
Incline db fly: 35x10--40x10--45x10--45x10
FST7 Cable crossovers

Meal1- 1scoop ON Whey 1 scoop NLN Lean Pro Matrix 30g Macadamia nuts
Meal2- 9egg whites 2oz Tuna 150g Brown Rice
Meal3- 9oz Tilapia 185g Brown Rice
Meal4- 9oz Tilapia w/Asparagus
Meal5- 9eggwhites 2oz Tuna 32g Peanut Butter

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tue August 16 Shoulders n tris

Kept the same shake sequence i weight my carbsand fat in grams and my meat in ounces. i like feeling light before workouts and not totally bloated. Did AM cardio, afternoon workout going back for PM cardio after my next meal. Volume was real high today.

"What you get by achieving your goals is as important as what you become by achieving your goals."
Henry David Thoreau


DB Shoulder Press: 80x10--90x10--90x10--80x10
Behind Neck Smith Press(super set with upright rows): 115x10/135x10/145x10/115x10
widegrip upright rows: 75x12/85x12/95x12/75x12
Front DB Raises: 30x10/32.5x10/35x10/40x5 drop set 32.5x5
1 Arm side laterals:32.5x10/32.5x10/35x10/35x10
FST7 Rear delt fly machine:105/105/105/105/105/105/105

Close grip press downs: 130x10/140x10/150x10/150x15
1arm reverse grip press down: 40x10/40x10/40x10/40x10
db kick backs: 150x10/17.5x10/20x10/22.5x10

Meal1: Lean Pro Matrix
Meal2: Lean Pro Matrix 150g Granny Smith Apple 26g Macadamia Nuts
Meal3: ON Whey 50g
Meal4: 9oz Tilapia 185g
Meal5: 13Eggwhites
Meal6: 8oz Chicken breast w/green veggies

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mon August 15 legs

Back squat: 205x15--225x15--275x12--(315x8 dropset 225x4)
Squat machine: 230x10--270x10--270x10--180x12
LegXtension (light contracting):105x12--105x12--105x12--105x12
FST-7 Plate loaded Press: 10plates 7sets
FT7 Lying Leg curls: 90/100/110/120/130/110/110
Seated Leg curls: 210x12/210x12/210x12
Walking Lunges
Light Stiff Leg Deadlifts for Tie ins

Meal1: Next Level Nutrition-"Lean Pro Matrix"
Meal2: Lean Pro Matrix 185g Green Apple 1/2cup oats 185g Blueberries 32g Natural Peanut Butter
Meal3: 50g Whey ON
Meal4:9oz Tilapia 170g Brown Rice Long Grain
Meal6: 8oz Chicken Breast

Sun aug 13 chest

hit chest n did some mandatory poses
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

wed august 10 legs!

another nutty leg day. that workout at the mecca really brought back that fire in me.

back squat

loaded plate squats

fst7 leg extensions

Walking barbell lunges 7sets

lying leg curls

sitting leg curls


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chest Tue Aug 9 11weeks 4days out HEAVY!

Went bb only for today. got back for power. trying to really hold on to muscle. Gonna be introducing protein shakes into my diet tomorrow.

Incline Bench BB
Flat bench BB
225x10/225x11/225x9/ 275x3 dropset 225x5
Decline Bench BB
Incline Flys

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mon aug 8 back

Energy was down today. Only had 1 carb meal before workout and gym performance suffered. Want able to push up as much weight as usual. Need better meal timing tomorrow. Need to keep the strength and intesity to hold onto mass.

Lat pull down
Aviator grip pulldown
Db rows
Tbar row machine
Fst 7 hammer strentghiso lower lat row

Meal1- 10egg whites 1yolk
Meal 2- 7oz chicken 200g sweet potato
Meal 3 - 7oz chicken 200g sweet potato
Meal 4- 8oz beef 150g sweet potato
Meal 5- 7ozchicken w/greens

Meal frequency every 3hrs
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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday August 6 Legs in the mecca

Back squat
That was the opening of my workout. It was opening of my workout. Best leg workout ive had since the closing of koloseum gym. Great day enjoyed the best sweet potatoes ive ever eaten after the workout at sauce
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Chest august 5 friday

Incline db press
Flat db press
Hammer Press
Incline Db flys
Fst7 cable flys
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday aug 1st arms

Pressdowns- 150/150/150150
single arm press downs- 60/60/60
kick backs- 15/20/22.5/25

bb curl supper setted with dumbell curl till failure- 70/80/80/80
db curl- 35/35/35/35
reverse grip ez curl super set with hammer curl till failure- 50/50/50/50
hammer curl- 15/15/15/15
concentration curl- 37.5/40/42.5/42.5

diet:changed frequency to 3hours
Meal1- 12 eggwhites 1oz almonds
Meal2- 7ozchicken 1cup rice
Meal2- 7oz chicken 1cup rice
Meal3- 7oz Chicken 1 cup Rice
Meal4- 7oz chicken 2tbsn PB
Meal5- 12eggwhites